Day 59 & 60 – End of Phase 1

So I have officially finished phase 1, I have been dedicated and the results show my hard work. My weight loss and lifestyle change goals are on track and I can’t wait to attain the feeling of success once I cross that finishing line. These last few days have been tough and I am looking forward to eating proper food again! I will now transition to phase 2, I will continue to have my morning juice but supplement it with 2 hard boiled eggs. For lunch I plan on lean protein with salad and for my evening meal lean protein again with steamed low GI vegetables. I will supplement this with raw fruit and vegetables throughout the day to keep my energy levels high and my body purring. My vital statistics are considerably lower, blood pressure and resting heart rate have plummeted for the better, I feel fresh, motivated and happy. I am not there yet but I have made a huge stride in the last 2 months and know that the end goal is not a matter of if but when. As you know I have not weighed myself during this first phase but I am now fitting into clothes that would mean my loss is in the region of 75 pounds/34 kgs additionally I have lost nearly 10 inches from my waist. As you can imagine I am extremely happy with this! 🙂

Today’s blog posting is going to be short, it has been a long week and I am shattered, however I will leave you with a few photos to show you my fantastic achievement so far. I hope you are inspired to join me on this amazing journey to attain the feeling of success. 🙂

The Feeling of Success - Daily Diary - Phase 1 - 1



The Feeling of Success - Daily Diary - Phase 1 - 2



The Feeling of Success - Daily Diary - Phase 1 - 3



The Feeling of Success - Daily Diary - Phase 1 - 4



The Feeling of Success - Daily Diary - Phase 1 - 5

60 responses to “Day 59 & 60 – End of Phase 1

  1. Looking good, love that shirts are too big feel. As a bigger guy I used to love having my shirts much larger and looser. Now that I have lost some weight and inches, that loose feeling just feels off and wrong. Good job man.

  2. That is awesome 🙂 well done, you look great. I noticed you divided your weight loss journey in phases like the program of extreme weight loss. I have been watching it like crazy yesterday it gives me some motivation, like ur story

  3. Keep up the great work! Stay positive and motivated and you will reach your goal before you know it! I enjoy reading your story and it gives me motivation as well!

    • I promise I will stay positive and motivated, I want this I really do 🙂 I am glad that you enjoy reading my progress and that you use it for motivation 🙂

    • The toughest part was the first step, accepting that to be who I wanted to be meant that I had to say goodbye to my current life. After I accepted that change and got into a routine it was easy as I was so determined to fulfill my potential in life 🙂 Thank you for your kind comments 🙂

  4. You are doing an amazing job! Keep up the terrific work! My husband lost 17kgs after being inspired by Joe’s movie and juiced for 60 days. It has totally changed his relationship with food as I’m sure this journey is doing for you. Never give up Dave! 🙂

  5. As someone who is just embarking on a weight loss journey (need to lose the 25kgs I gained during pregnancy) your blog is so inspirational. I’ll be checking in frequently to keep myself motivated and cheer you on with your incredible journey 🙂

  6. Pingback: Day 1: I’ve got a lot of Motherfuckers to prove wrong. | The HLZ·

  7. It’s been great going over you posts and seeing the amount of progress you’ve gone through. Magnificent job. Thank you for stopping at my blog.

    • Thanks for noticing the results of my hard work 🙂 By not using the scales I remove the additional pressure that constant worrying about my performance brings, which helps me a lot 🙂

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